Jan 1, 2016

Resolution Reformation 2016

I’ve never been one to follow through with my New Year’s resolutions. Think of me as that person that contributes to how busy the gym is for the first month of the year and then always tapers off come February.  I’m completely committed on December 31st and even stick with it for a couple weeks or a month, never planning to stop going; it just happens and I can’t be the only one. I decided I don’t like feeling disappointed with myself for not doing not-fun things so I reevaluated my approach to how I pick my resolutions.

Here are my newly-developed rules for resolution reformation:

        1.    Nothing too serious- they have to be silly and be smile-inducing.

        2.    Don’t choose an end result- pick resolutions that help you enjoy and focus on the path that may or may not get you to a destination.

        3.    No body-shaming- only goals that help you love and appreciate your body for how beautiful your body already is and what it is capable of doing.

So with those rules in mind, here are my daily resolutions for this New Year:

        1.    Dance in front of the mirror… naked.

Or in undies- however I happen to be when I step in front of my full-length mirror whilst getting ready for the day. It’s not a fully choreographed routine, think more Kevin James in Grown Ups or Glitter and Lazers on Instagram. Something to make me smile. Too often I find myself in front of a mirror focusing on my perceived flaws- chubby tummy, stretchmarks, cellulite, whatever. It’s not fun and I don’t come away feeling good about myself so why should I do it anymore? Why not make the conscience effort to giggle at my jiggles?

        2.    Make one healthy food choice.

You guys- I freaking love food and you should to. It’s delicious and it makes me happy. Unfortunately, the best tasting foods tend to be the worst for me. It’s a cruel world we live in. I don’t want to hate eating anymore! I want to be able to enjoy my amazing, unhealthy food and not feel bad about it. That’s where this resolution comes in. Instead of setting a goal to lose a specific number of pounds or go on an extreme juice cleanse, I’ll be making a conscience, healthy choice daily that I can feel good about. It might be choosing not to eat when I’m bored or picking crackers over a full bowl of ice cream, but that decision is going to help me enjoy my unhealthy choices even more.

        3.    Have a dance party with my kids.

Some days it will be one song. Other days it might be my entire “do chores to” playlist on YouTube. Either way, I’ll burn a couple calories and me and my kids will have a blast doing it. Added bonus- it will be in the privacy of my own home where I only have to worry about making a fool of myself in front of my husband and our Saint Bernard, Syrup. This might just be an exercise routine I can stick with.

That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it. I hope my rules and resolutions have helped inspire some fun, body-positive choices for you this coming year.

Which of your resolutions are you most excited to put into effect?